It Started with a Smelly Cat and Ended with 50 Scents

It Started with a Smelly Cat and Ended with 50 Scents

A few months ago, I stumbled upon an article that revealed something pretty shocking: Apparently, you can’t smell your own home due to something called 'olfactory adaptation', aka ‘nose blindness’. Basically, when your nose gets used to familiar smells – both the good and the bad – it stops registering them. So, if your house has a particularly ‘unique’ scent, you’ll be blissfully unaware, but for any visitor who walks through the door, it’s a whole different story – they’ll notice it right away.

Naturally, this got me thinking about my own home. Because I couldn’t smell anything untoward, I’d always assumed it was pretty whiff-free. That is, until I took a good look around ... at the dishes waiting to be washed, the kitchen bin that was begging to be emptied, and let’s not forget the Ginger Ninja – my adorable ex-stray, ex-tom cat, who has been known to register complaints by blessing the curtains ...

“Aw, shit!” How could I not smell that?!

So, I did what any self-respecting homeowner would do: I deep cleaned any potential stink sources (and hoped), then I started researching how to bring some more pleasant scents into my life. I’d never been big on candles or air fresheners – the supermarket ones, in particular, never did it for me. Wax melts seemed like a good alternative, but most of them just ended up smelling of disappointment. That’s when I had a thought: Why not make my own?

So, I bought a wax melt making kit and started experimenting. A lot. In the kitchen. Often late into the night.

A few things quickly became clear. First, I learned that scented wax melts don’t have to be a letdown – they can actually smell amazing! You just need to use a good quality wax, the right amount of quality fragrance oil, and to pay close attention to temperatures when you’re making them.  It was going great! The only problem was that neither of the two fragrance oils that came with the kit were quite the scent I was looking for, and as the weeks rolled by in my search for my home’s new signature scent, I accumulated an impressive collection of over 50 different fragrances, and a sizeable stockpile of completed wax melts as well. 

 So, yeah ...

Anyway, fast forward a few months, and I’ve now got quite the collection. I’ve got all sorts: fresh, earthy, floral, masculine, and everything in between. Some I fell for instantly (Egyptian Spice, Teak and Neroli, Black Rose, Green Tea & Lemongrass), others took a little time (Amalfi Coast, Rainforest), and a few I didn’t like at first but now can’t get enough of (yes, I’m looking at you, Caribbean Teak).  I personally like to change the scents in my wax melt burner every few days (though sometimes I just sniff the scent straight out of the bottle ... because I can ...)  Changing scents on a regular basis (and having different scents in different rooms for that matter) does have one solid benefit though - my nose doesn't have time to get too used to them so there is always one or two that are catching my attention. 

Anyway, you know how these things go.  What started as a late-night hobby has quickly grown into a fledgling side hustle, and now I'm ready to start sharing my scented creations with the world! Right now, I have a variety of my scented wax melts available on my website, so if one of your favourite scents is there, you're good to go, but I also thought that it might be fun to put together some introductory packs with a range of different scents in each so you can sample several at once. The 6-scent pack offers a selection of my favourites, and the 12-scent packs are for those who want to explore even further. And, if there’s a particular scent in my collection that you’d like to try before committing to a full pack, let me know. If I’ve got it in stock, I’ll add it in for you!”

So, did I manage to get my house smelling great in the end? Honestly, I’m not sure. Eau-de-tomcat possibly still lurks in the corners somewhere, but since olfactory adaptation means I can’t actually smell it, I may never know. What I do know is that in addition to any potential whiffy smells, my house is now filled with all sorts of pleasant fragrances that catch my attention as I wander through each room. And that's got to be a win. Right?

Anyway, if you’re curious to try out my wax melts (no cat smells guaranteed), pick up a sample pack with 6 or 12 scents, or dive straight into the full range and find your favourite! Then, let me know what you think - I’d love to hear your thoughts!



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